When we thought about our first shoot for THE KNOTS, the only one thing we
were quite sure about was that it had to be everything but ordinary. Instead of
having sober full body images or many times seen images of rugs placed on the
floor of a beautifully designed apartment, we chose to shoot them in a place
where you would probably not expect a rug – a rough and unpolished backyard
somewhere in Berlin Mitte. Pretty much work, still a wonderful experience we
wouldn’t wanna miss. And stunning the outcome of the colors.
were quite sure about was that it had to be everything but ordinary. Instead of
having sober full body images or many times seen images of rugs placed on the
floor of a beautifully designed apartment, we chose to shoot them in a place
where you would probably not expect a rug – a rough and unpolished backyard
somewhere in Berlin Mitte. Pretty much work, still a wonderful experience we
wouldn’t wanna miss. And stunning the outcome of the colors.
Here are some impressions from behind the scenes...